Sunday 4 October 2015

The Sunset nails

Sunset nails 

This is one of the most popular designs which I created. It got a lot of positive feedback. This look is created using several very basic tools. The look is pretty inexpensive to create and quite easy. If I was going to rate this in terms of easiness it would get a 4/10 for difficulty 

1) You first cover your nails in a base coat. Depending on what you are using I tend to make this a lighter color such as white or cream. Also use a base coat to go under the color to help it adhere. 
2) Let them dry. No really. They must be really really dry! 
3) Take a sponge and cut it to about 2cm , bigger than your nail in each direction. I use kitchen sponges for this but you can buy specific sponges from beauty stores.
4) Get two to three colors and put them on the sponge overlapping each other. I tend to do mine dark to light. Press this onto the nail while still wet on the sponge. You must move quickly.
5) Yes, it will get everywhere so be careful of clothing. Always use an old cloth under your hands while doing your nails. 
6) Build up the layers by repeating stage 4 unit you are happy with the result. 
7) Cover with top coat and allow to dry. 

By following these easy to do steps you should achieve the ombre sunset nails. You can now add whatever you like to them. 

TOP TIPS: GLITTER NAIL POLISH DOES NOT WORK FOR THIS DESIGN! I found this out when my friend wanted a black to white design with grey in the middle. Sadly at the time I didn't own a non-glitter pure color grey polish so used silver. It went horribly wrong! I found upon doing this design many many times now using non-glitter color with no fleck works best, also go for a thicker formula. My recommendations for nail polish brands which this works on: Rimmel (60 second) , Models Own gel (available in Superdrug and bottle shops) , Sally Hansen (Salon Manicure), and Bourjois. I found L'oreal dose not work very well as their nail varnishes can be a bit watery. Both the designs above used Rimmel and Models own. 

TIP TIP: To make fine details such as the palm trees buy yourself a striping brush, you can get theses online for about £2. They make easy work of fine lines, you will need to practice but it's always worth it. 

I hoped you enjoyed reading. If you give this a go please comment. Thank you

Laura x

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