Wednesday 3 February 2016

Posh Girl Pot Noodles? M&S

I was part of the generation who snacked off pot noodle, this was a loved part of our weekly shopping growing up and was one of my sisters favorites (curry flavor)  but I personally despised them. I do like noodle products but never liked the pot noodles. Pot noodles are the classic lazy lunch solution for the busy, hungry or unwell. But while on a trip to get some basics (bread, milk, eggs you know the drill) I spotted a whole new take on pot noodles. Marks and Spencer's have made their own range with the classic no cooking necessary noodle pot. Would these be any nicer? 

Pot noodle is classically an idiot proof product. Anyone could make these who can pour a kettle. That what them made such a hit in the supermarkets because you needed no equipment, no washing up (besides spoon) and it was warm and tasty.   

These pot noodles are larger in packaging size, but also look sturdier. I didn't know what to expect but the flavor choices were unusual and exciting. I liked this style of packaging which  seemed a million miles away from classic bold pot noodle packaging. The product contains 99g while dry. I really liked that it came with a lid top. I brought two flavors: Poh noodles and Tom Yum noodles. 

Here is what the product looked like inside, there was noodles, dried vegetables and a flavoring sachet. 

The noodles were pretty different to the short yellow noodles in classic pot noodles. 

You then squeeze the packet into the noodles and add boiling water to the line of the pot. Allowing two minuets to stand. 

Here is the finished product! Okay I didn't eat it out of the pot because that is really not my thing.  I also served it with grapes and a banana to make it slightly more healthy. Although this is a lazy lunch, I try and make it a bit more varied. 

So what did they taste like? It was very nice, the noodles had a really amazing intense smell of ginger and spice, the noodles were soft and warm and tasty. The noodles were a bit difficult for me to pic up but maybe I just need more practice. 

Final verdict, would I buy these again? Yes 100% these were the best lazy tasty lunch ever. 

Hope enjoyed reading, hope to see you again on this blog soon. 

If you would like more posts like this one comment or +1 and i'll post some more food product reviews. 

Laura x 

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