Thursday 29 October 2015

Animal nails tutorial

Animal print how to 
Animal print is one of my all time fave nail art ideas. People often asked where i brought the fake nails from to only find out they were my own nails and hand drawn designs. 

This design is by far one of the hardest I have done because trying to make the animal print look like animal print is one high mountain I had to climb. I used a dotting tool for the central color and striping tool for the area around. 

I have very strong natural nails which have taken years of growing then cutting off. I wear house gloves while handling chemicals, but when I garden I just go bare handed. 

On the left is one of my first attempts of animal print. It was pretty time consuming so only did the design on two fingers on each hand. This is hard using the hand you don't write with to do the other hand, but it's easier getting someone else to do it for you. 

I have never actually paid to have my nails done by anyone, I have always done my own as I think £25 for your nails is a lot of money, and I don't have money to throw away. I also like doing other peoples nails for them, but I don't charge as they are my family. My Nan loves having her nails done in a orchid color from rimmel, I brought her one for Christmas last year. 

These were pretty fun to do, I used a pink from a brand called Jessica and Models own Hypergel white and turquoise gloss.  It looks more green on the background of pink. I also used a Rimmel glitter for the index finger. I didn't think the glitter added much. 

Here is another animal print design this time on a white background, and whole hand print. The gold was a sally hansen nail polish, the black was from Rio nail art and came with striping brush. 

TOP TIP: This is actually pretty hard so don't beat yourself up if you find it hard! Just do one nail and do the rest when you have practiced. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this and picked up some ideas, I have had no training or have any professional tools or such, I just learned by having a go. 


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